Monday, September 27, 2010

Ella's First Day of School, Alzafar Circus, and Such

Although I am a little behind (what's new, right??) I wanted to share pics from Ella's first day of "school".  I wasn't sure she was going to get to go because the night before she started complaining of her belly hurting.  But we pushed through and she was eager to go.  She was so excited to use her new bumblebee backpack that Mimi bought her and her new lunch pack.  She is so my child ... loves school supplies :)  Wehn we got to our church she got a little nervous.  I had to stay with her until they transitioned to chapel time and then she bravely took Ms.Margaret's hand and walked with her friends into chapel.  I was so proud of her and yet so sad to see my sweet baby growing up.  She had a great first week ... didn't even cry once!!  Unfortunately, she missed the following week because she was in the hospital having her pancreatic stent placed (all went well ... hooray!!), and she was able to return for week three. I was really worried that she would have a hard time going back, but she has done amazing!  She is by far the youngest in her class (by a good 8 mos) but seems to enjoy the older kids and has become the pet project for some of the little mama hens in her class.  I think she enjoys feeling like a big kid :)  How fast she is growing up!

Big girl ready for the big day
How cute is she??!!

Shriner Alzafar Circus
Earlier this month we took Ella to the circus for the very first time.  At first it was hard to tell if she was having fun ... she looked slightly comatose!  But she was just absorbing it all :)  Her favorite was the tigers that jumped through hoops lit on fire, the performing sheep dogs, and the guys who jumped off a giant swing.  I can just see her sttempting this off her playset!  She stuffed herself on popcorn and cotton candy - both rare treats she NEVER gets!  So all in all she had a blast.  Note to self for future trips, Shriner Alazafar Circus was AWESOME but LOOOONNNNGGGG.  We had to leave a intermission so I could have her in bed at a semi-decent hour (11 pm!!).  I loved that when I tucked her in she reeked of popcorn, sugar, and excitement!  So worth seeing her smile!
                                                 What in the world?? But I like it .....

                                                LOVED the tigers!!  She is so funny!!

                          "Look Ma!  Mimi bought me blue sugar!!"  She was WILD after this!
       She was NOT happy that we left without and elephant ride ... maybe next time!  They scare me!!

Kendall County Fair
Mike and I were finally in town during the Kendall County Fair ... we were so pumped!  Usually we are out of town visiting family but not this year due to pregnancy travel restrictions. So we took the opportunity to take Ella to her very first fair.  She had so much fun!  They had a petting zoo and pony rides right as you came in the gate and I thought we would never get her out of there.  She made buddies with a baby goat and it passed out cold (looked kinda dead!) as she sat there and stroked in for 30+ minutes.  I so want a goat now!!  And they had these cool chickens in there too, that I now have to find that breed.  We only escaped the clutches of the petting zoo with bribery of a blue snowcone (her current favorite flavor!!).  She had fun looking at everything and running around, but was so bummed that she couldn't ride any of the rides (namely the Merry-Go-Round!) because she was too short :/  Maybe next year, eh?  I am glad we got a chance to go and let Ella experience it!
                                             Oh how she wanted to take this little guy home!

                                                                 " Pretty please??"
                                                                  Giddy up cowgirl!
I am laughing because this tiny goat is SO asleep he is actually drooling ... guess she has the magic touch!

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