Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Perspective And Snowflakes

Over the last week I have been granted much needed perspective. One sick baby girl, 4 days in the hospital, mulitple tests, one ski trip canceled, one teeny-weeny panic attack, and many many tears later ... I have perspective. How blessed we are to have our sweet girl and many people to help us care for her. I also have a greater appreciation for all that my mom and dad endured. Mimi is definetly made of tougher stuff than I. How did she survive all my medical issues?? And all alone?? In the middle of last week's drama I was wallowing in pity and worry and lost it for about 5 minutes while sitting all alone (mostly) in the surgical waiting area for my baby to be moved to recovery. Then I realized that this is not the end of the world and many a mom has sat and cried tears for her sick baby, namely my own mom. Knowing that actually made me feel much better. My sweet girl is doing well and will thrive under our watchful care. How lucky we are to have such an amazing support system!! So although E missed her very first ski trip and romp in the snow, it snowed here yesterday (pics asap). So I bundled her up in in umpa-lumpa snowsuit and snow boots (gonna get my money's worth - dang it!!) and we played in the big fat snowflakes. We had so much fun and it was just another reminder to me that I must keep my eyes on all that's right with the world.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Selfish Idiots Gone Country

Why do some rude people feel the need to come all the way out into the country and then build right on top of their neighbor's property line. I mean really!! C'mon people!! I have been sitting here for over an hour listenig to bulldozers and construction crews yelling back and forth across my back yard. What in the world are they thinking?! People are so inconsiderate. So now I am contemplating ways to make them move their soon to be erected house or regret it ... I'll take either one. Maybe tie a goat out there? How about a new bee hive hobby? Or old broken down cars?? How could they be so selfish?! I don't get it. I only pray that they don't erect some giant, horribly ugly house that blocks our beautiful view of the hill country ... Damn those bulldozers!!

Sunday, February 14, 2010

28 with 2 kids and a mini-van

So I swore I would be cold and in the ground before I ever drove a min-van. The hubby and I have been tossing around the idea of a new (to us) car for awhile. We have a growing family and our current mode of transportation does not do well for baby-toting/traveling office/hauling all our "stuff". After much ado, I agreed to test drive one .... and was pleasantly surprised. So despite all the crap I will/already am taking from some people (you know who you are), I have been converted and am now the owner of a new (to me) Shoe-Mobile. What can I say ?? Practicality won out ... Now for some pimped out rims and a limo tint :)

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Adding another branch

To the family tree that is. For those of you who haven't heard ... we're expecting our second sweet little baby October 9th! This has been a long time coming and after much ado. For whatever reason, the first time around we were instantly pregnant. With baby shoe#2 we tried for quite a bit. We are so very blessed!! We can't wait to find out the gender (mid-March unofficially). Our little family is growing and it is so exciting!

Monday, February 8, 2010

And it begins...

After much persuasion from friends and family (you know who you are), I am committing to trying to keep up with a blog. We are busy busy and always on the go, but would love the opportunity to share our crazy lives with our friends and fam! So here we go ...